Send E-file Log to Customer Service

Occasionally, you may need to send an E-file Log to Customer Service to help with troubleshooting.

To send an E-file log to Customer Service:

  1. From any main manager or from an open return, click the Support menu.
  2. Expand the Customer Service Utilities fly-out menu; then, select Send E-file Log to Customer Service.

Send-E-file Log dialog box

  1. Enter the incident number (provided to you by your Customer Service Representative).
  2. Click Send.

Log File Sent message

  1. Click Continue.

After a brief delay, your Customer Service representative should receive the e-file log and begin troubleshooting. Please be prepared to walk the representative through your particular issue.

E-file Transmission Log

Data from every e-file transmission and acknowledgment is automatically consolidated into a .ZIP file, which, as a whole, represents the transmission log. When you use the Send E-file Log to Customer Service function, the .ZIP file is transferred to your Customer Service Representative.


See Also:

Sending a Return to Customer Service

Synchronizing E-files With the EFC

Refreshing Application Configurations